Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What what we eat 4 out of 7 days a week...

Blueberry pancakes. Sometimes I'm low on blueberries because the girls decide they must have blueberries right. now. the moment I return home from the food market and the next morning I have to substitute dark chocolate chips. Recently I've been adding ground-up flax seeds, and yipee, no one noticed! I've tried whole wheat flour twice and the pancakes were noticeably denser and more cakey. But what does it matter - anything dipped in syrup tastes like candy.

Recipe found via one of my favorite crafty mommy blogs: http://angrychicken.typepad.com/angry_chicken/2007/10/recipe-cheat-sh.html. They take 15 minutes, prep + cook time. And they come out fluffy and perfect every time!

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