Ever since we pulled K out of preschool right before Christmas, I anticipated that there would be more K and mommy time. To the contrary, there's been less. Much less. When K was in preschool, I had a chance to miss her. And when I went to pick her up (granted a mere two hours since we had parted), I was all butterflies in the stomach to reunite with her and shower her with attention and affection. Now that K is at home around the clock, inevitably the quality of our interactions has decreased. After breakfast (which involves nonstop bargaining and nagging and outright threatening to get something nutritious into the girls) and after I put S down for her morning nap, I shower, come downstairs, and feel entitled to mentally veg. So K will either be watching the end tail of sesame street or coloring. Then once S wakes, we'll all go out for lunch w/ J. Where more nagging and threatening about eating takes place. Afterwards, the girls will nap (rarely at the same time - they instinctively know to wake once the other falls asleep) and then I am faced with the onslaught of indecision and anxiety (will the girls eat it????) in making preparations for dinner. By the time it occurs to me that I haven't read/crafted/played/made eye contact with K all day, it's time to eat dinner, give S a bath and put her down for the night. By the time S is asleep, it is, to my dismay, 10 pm. K is still awake but I'm done for the day. In fact, I completely shut down after this time and repeatedly tell her that mommy has to go savor her glass of wine now and agonize over my existence (perhaps not in those exact words).
If you were K, wouldn't you hate me and rebel at the first chance you had? I sure as hell would. Thus my fear at the wrath of adolescence to come...

me, here: trying to be a good mom...don't anyone be fooled...
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